Friday, June 27, 2008

To showcase achievements of Taiwan’s Internet industry, the Institute of Information Industry of Taiwan (III) held the 2008 IDEAS Show this Wednesday June 25. The IDEAS Show is similar from the DEMO, an Internet investment trade show in United States since 2006.

The IDEAS show is not just an industry show but an investment demonstration from the Internet industry, we [the III] hope more talents can be developed and discovered in this Web 2.0 era in conjunction with innovation economy.

Chris Shipley, Producer of DEMO Conference, was invited to make a speech in the opening keynote. She mentioned about evolutions and transformations of the Internet, especially on business models and change of leaders. Her words mostly echoed some theories proposed during the 2008 Google Developer Day in China by Kai-Fu Lee, Founding Chairman of Google China.

In this exhibition, thirty websites from mobile networking, Web 2.0, social networks, application services, and hardware integrations were showcased there. The website evaluation from professional judges was also held during the showcase to encourage excellent websites promoted into the world.

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