China Tea Export Profile And Analysis Of The 2010 Situation

By Lanbo Jiang

The spread of the global financial crisis, the shadow of 2009, China’s tea exports rose buck the trend, according to customs statistics, in 2009 exports 303,000 tons of tea I mark the first time exceeded 3 billion mark, up 2%, breaking the Always in the past 5 years between 28 30 million tons of stagnant situation; export amount 705 million U.S. dollars, exceeds 7 billion dollars, up 3.3%, the national tea to achieve the long awaited breakthrough in the historic double The total amount and the amount of record for 6 years.

Exports of Various Types of Tea

Tea exports in China, green tea, oolong tea exports have different levels of growth, flat black tea, scented tea, an overall decline in tea exports. In 2009, China’s tea exports about 229,300 tons, average unit price of 2287 U.S. dollars ton; tea export 40 thousand tons, average unit price of 1606 U.S. dollars ton; tea exported 24.1 thousand tons, average unit price of 2771 U.S. dollars ton; tea export 5914 tons, average price 5010 U.S. dollars ton; tea export 3486 tons, the average price 5611 U.S. dollars ton.

Major Export Markets of Chinese Tea

In tea export market, China’s tea exports in 2009 on the market were tons of Morocco, Uzbekistan, Russia, the United States, Japan, Pakistan, Algeria, Benin and Mauritania. The market share in 2009 China’s tea export volume, the total amount of 60% and 56%. Morocco’s largest market, China’s tea exports, China’s exports of 58,400 tons of tea to Morocco, Uzbekistan exported 22,300 tons of tea, tea exports to Russia of about 2 million tons of exports to the U.S. is 19,300 tons of tea, tea exports to Japan 1.89 million tonnes, the European Union (27 countries) is 18.3 thousand tons of tea exports.


Bottlenecks Tea Exports

1, Many export enterprises, and poor efficiency. Many enterprises, small scale, mixed, export and more with low prices. 2009, 408 Chinese tea export enterprises, of which more than one million U.S. dollars export value of more than 111 enterprises, more than 10 million U.S. dollars in the enterprise 18. 20 million U.S. dollars of business 8.2, OEM and more, brand less. Most exporters ineffective marketing channels, OEM products and more are only modest processing fee to obtain more profits earned by foreign brands.3, bulk much less fine. Traditional bulk tea market mainly dominated mostly around a special kind of tea in recent years, I have tea export markets and export products structure does not change much.

China’s Response to the Bottleneck of Tea and Suggestions

1.Even though China is a tea producing country, but the international market, marketing is not enough. Export business to have their own brands, most of the products of Chinese enterprises are regional products, brands and regional brands for them to complement each other. Therefore, enterprises should transfer to the market, the joint develop the market. Is the industry up the stage, the government and enterprises to join hands to bring China’s regional brands and products focus on show business in the international market in order to enhance the visibility of the tea.

2, Effectively greater publicity. Chinese tea is good, people do not know. Now no longer “sell themselves”, and the majority of consumers of Chinese tea is also a lack of real understanding to the different teas and tea products, the image of effective health promotion role.

3, To carry out a new tea processing technology research, development and function of different flavors of tea new products, according to consumer demand in different countries used to strengthen the flavor of the research, focus on new product research, such as the low caffeine tea, hypoglycemic tea, drop pressure tea, various fruit tea. Qualified enterprises to set up marketing network in the consumer countries, and strive to achieve the scale of sales of branded products.

4, The establishment of export quality grade standardized difference, to change the client only in accordance with the standards of different countries and seek to produce and enhance trade voice and pricing.5, application of modern marketing methods should be fully and actively expand the market share. The size of tea industry in development, much will depend on market acceptance.

6, Chamber of Commerce has the world’s major tea consumer, producer and main production industry organizations, importers have established close working contacts with the States by industry organizations signed a cooperation agreement; by the State Council held in China International Tea General Assembly, enhancing China’s tea industry’s international reputation.

China’s Tea Exports in 2010 Forecast the Situation

2010, China’s tea exports still face many adverse factors:1, the face of dollar depreciation is expected in 2010, the relative appreciation of the RMB is still expected;2, this spring, the main tea growing areas of Southwest Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, severe drought in five provinces and autonomous regions. Including Yunnan, Guangxi, drought in parts has reached the severe drought level, Guizhou province of 80 years of severe drought in parts of drought or even a hundred years;3, the main producing areas in Fujian oolong tea cold frost occurred “late spring”, while a typhoon warning, meteorological disaster is expected to severely than in 2009.

4, The main tea growing areas in the South: Zhejiang Province in March in a row in early rainy cold weather which affected 150 million mu of tea gardens, particularly influenced by high altitude tea gardens, spring tea quantity and quality will be affected. Slight frost damage in Jiangxi Province in March, the province’s lowest temperature of minus what was once, some impact on the tea harvest. Rainfall in Anhui Province in March weather, cold oligonucleotide according to the average temperature of 3 degrees lower than usual, is not conducive to receiving morning tea.

5, The EU and Japan are still very stringent standards for pesticide analysis, in particular the EU, almost every year to adjust the introduction of new standards for pesticide residues in the tea. According to Tea Association of the U.S. President said the U.S. government is developing standards for pesticide residues in tea imports, there may be adopted and implemented within a year or two. These technical barriers to China’s tea export enterprises will undoubtedly increase in operational risks.

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