Creating The Most Successful Newsletter Ever!}

Submitted by: Alex Clough
I just sent my best ever mail shot. It had the highest read and click rates of any mailing Ive ever sent and drove nearly seven hundred unique visitors to our site in just a couple of hours.
Ive actually ruined our GA chart, as now it just has this massive spike on the day I sent it!
So how did I do it?
Well first of all, the design was done by a proper graphic artist Im sure they must have been as the email /e-card template I used was made with some real skill in making things look interesting. Secondly, rather than the normal newsletter, I sent a Christmas card, and then just added a graphic of a Christmas present, offering a free gift to all our subscribers.
The design its self was actually a big header image that just said Merry Crimbo, with fifteen Brussel sprouts laid out in a grid on a white background. The left and right margins were colour-matched to the colour of the sprouts, as was some of the text.
The actual text simply said:
A Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to You…
from everyone at:
We got you a Christmas present!
Click on the box to open your gift:
Then we listed our address, email address, phone number and website.
And boy did it work. Okay, so people only clicked it because we offered them something, but that right there is the key. Why else would such a massive percentage of the recipients who received the email click on it?
Rule # 1 Give something away.
Then, what did people do when they arrived on the site, well about 5% of them actually clicked through to the end goal of signing up for their free gift.
Rule #2 Create an effective landing page.
The landing pages needs to make people click through to the offer, event, news item etc that you are preventing.
Rule #3 Provide Reassurance.
If people are confronted by the inevitable give us your details (again) page, you need to create some reassurances that a) their email address isnt going to be sold to a data farm, b) you have a privacy policy and stick to it, c) they arent entering into any form of legal contract, d) you arent going to send them promotional emails every five minutes.
If you stick to the above, then you should too be able to capitalise on the season, what is in the news, or something thats relevant to your readers, and make your email campaigns even more successful.
So, what are you waiting for? Get on the case, and start sending some e-cards!
Good luck with your Christmas e-card shot. Compared to a standard paper Christmas Card mail shot, it will:
Save you money
Save paper
Save postage
Reduce carbon emissions
Save a ridiculous amount of time and effort
Impress your clients
Provide interaction with your website and increase site traffic at the same time!
About the Author: Written by Ed Tallents of Montpellier Interactive, who do
email marketing
content management systems
and more!
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