Find Out If Your Location Is Good For Going Solar

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By Coleen Smith
What geographic locations in the world are ideal for generating solar energy? First you need to think about how the panels will be positioned in relation to the direct sunlight. You’ll get the maximum energy production out of each unit if they are positioned at a perfect 90 degree angle.
Another important thing to consider is the angle of the solar panel in relation to the sky, or tilting. For example, if the tilt is on a flat roof, it would be zero degrees, whereas if it were facing a wall, it would then be 90 degrees. For the most efficient energy production, solar panels should be placed at a 30 degree angle, but it’s usually good enough if they’re somewhere between 20 and 40 degrees. Getting the angle right is very important because the more direct sunlight the panel can collect, the more electricity it can generate. Also if the panel is vertical or nearly so, it will create problems.
Solar power works very well for large electrical equipment such as electric stove or tumble dryer, however to make it more cost effective, it is better to convert to natural gas or propane. The overall plan is to reduce the cost of your power, and electricity is often the costliest.
It is worth a mention that using solar powers to generate electricity is not the same as generating heat. You will need to install thermal principles to generate hot air or liquid. Photovoltaic panels are made with silicon, a natural element that produces electricity when it is charged by direct sunlight.
Solar panels should be placed differently in the northern and southern hemispheres, of course. In the north they should be pointed toward the south and the reverse for the southern hemisphere. The angle is determined by the latitude of the geographical location. Depending on the summer or winter months, the angle is typically set within 15 degrees. Many arrays are positioned at an angle which is equal to the site latitude for different seasons of the year. You can learn more about the positioning of solar panel arrays by viewing some of the diagrams available online.
The PV panel is consolidated by the electrical charge which is directed to the output terminals to generate low voltage of around 6 to 20 volts. The most common one is normally 12 volts, but an effective output should be up to 20 volts. So it is clear that there is a difference between the voltage and the actual functioning voltage. You can calculate the average daily peak sun hours, based on a full year, with the help of the internet.
For example, you can go online to find the average peak sunlight hours for your region of the United States. Select the area closest to you and plug that information into the solar energy calculator that you can find at many websites.
In conclusion, the ideal geographic locations for solar panels vary, depending on your location. People in the north of US would need more panels in their system to generate the same power as those in the South due to the lack of sun light and their positioning. A larger system will cost more to buy and install. So do your homework before making a decision about whether to go solar.
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