Four Exact Ways To Start Working With Bloggers

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Submitted by: Joseph Augustine
A blog is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries posts typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often are themed on a single subject. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Bloggers should be treated just like any other customer or advertiser you deal with as a PR professional. Although bloggers are not journalists, they function in a similar fashion. Bloggers now have a lot of power. While journalists usually write the facts, bloggers write their opinions, and these opinions are slowly ranking higher and higher on search engines.
A blogger may choose to update the website every day, once or twice a week, or even just a few times a month. The frequency of updates is completely up to the person who is writing the website, though more frequent updates tend to attract more visitors.
In general, a blogger will want to develop a certain amount of daily visitors; this will ensure that the blog is actually being read, and makes it more likely that people will comment on the entries. Consider a few reasons why bloggers should be important to the PR industry,
*Their blog maintains formatting consistency.
* They take the time to learn SEO.
* They write from the heart.
* They give back to the blogging community.
*Bloggers often have their own, and very successful, social network accounts. If you can work with a blogger to promote something, the word will spread faster.
*Bloggers are usually excited to hear from PR agencies hoping to work together. In some cases, bloggers will accept a guest article or write an article about your topic for free.
Four Correct Ways to Work with Bloggers:
Bloggers can be a quick and easy way to help you get the word out about your latest project or event. In most cases, bloggers will welcome the chance to help out someone in their community or a PR agency with a big name. Consider a few of the ways your PR agency can get started:
1. Think, Decide& Start:
Blogs went wildly popular to the point that even big business and conservative groups built their blogs to help improve their public image. Building a blog is one of the easiest ways to develop a web presence where you can set the tone, design the pages, encourage your friends and fans to leave comments, run contests, and even run an online business through your blog pages.
The very first thing you need to decide is what your blog is about. In fact, don t even think about starting a blog until you have thought this through.
*Ask yourself what you are passionate about.
*How you can enrich the lives of other with your passion.
*To help you discover your own passion, ask yourself.
*Choose a blogging platform.
*Choose your page design.
*Write your first blog post.
2. Don t Use Them, Help Them:
Many bloggers enjoy hearing from PR agencies, but they do not appreciate being asked to do something. You need to try and help bloggers; not just use them. Find a balance between their motives and your own.
For example: Bloggers do not appreciate being sent a press release with absolutely no explanation other than could you post this on your blog.
3. Do Research Before Starting:
Researching for your new blog posts is the first thing to do before you start writing. Before you start writing you should have knowledge about your topic and have an idea of how you want your blog post to turn out. You can do research by reading and asking questions to get more information.
Before writing new blog posts, search for similar posts so that you don t duplicate the writings of the author of that article. After searching for articles which are similar to yours, try your best to read through the article so that when you write, your main points are different and your blog posts may be in a different style so that your article stands out more, and make more impact on your blog readers.
All blogs are not the same. Do not find a list of blogs and then begin sending out ideas. You must research the different blogs circulating the web and discover which ones accept outside information. Look for an about section on each blog to get a feel for the type of material the blog likes to publish.
4. Respect Them:
Bloggers have something to offer, so when you pitch a story to them or offer a business proposal, treat them as you would every other media source you target. Bloggers should be treated the same way you would treat someone from The New York Times. This may seem obvious, but this is one of the things bloggers complain about when it comes to PR agencies because,
*They provide quality content.
*Chill on disrespecting other bloggers.
*There are honest about your information sources.
*They use their own bandwidth.
*They also respect others & learn from constructive criticism.
About the Author: Joseph is a Software developer and freelancer writes in blogs and develops free website services. He and his wife are working on different websites and free java tools. Some of the websites are given below.
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