Massage Therapy And Career Choices

Submitted by: Deborah Schwabe
If you’ve chosen to get involved in doing massage and bodywork, you’re opening the door to a career that has choice and variety. You can choose to be self-employed, or work for another.
With so many choices available it can be difficult to decide what is right for you. Whether you want to work in a chiropractor’s office, a day spa or a resort, there are many different ways to set up your business. You may want to work in a hotel or gym, maybe you’d prefer working on a cruise. Some therapists set up massage chair businesses in airports or malls. Which one will hold your interest, or have the most flexibility to meet your needs?
You may find it interesting to write about massage, and possibly write for massage publications, or even consider teaching massage to others. Looking at the various choices will help you decide what is right for you. Knowing there are so many options allows you to find something that will ignite your passion to practice massage therapy.
Before jumping it, it’s a good thing to first be honest with yourself and consider what your strengths and weaknesses are. If you’ve always wanted to own your own business, it may seem like an ideal situation. Is it ideal if you’re not a disciplined person though? You’ll need to not only just do massage, but you’ll be responsible for your own taxes, your book keeping, and other details you may not have thought of. Weigh the pros and cons of being independent and enjoying the flexibility of owning your own business versus the discipline you’ll need to keep it running smoothly.
One good way to get a better feel for what each job is about is to talk to others. See what they like and dislike about the current position they are in. You may learn something you hadn’t though of. With so many networking sites available to you, it’s easy to find people to discuss these topics with.
Let’s look at the basic day spa environment. This offers a peaceful and soothing environment. This may sound ideal to you. On the other hand, if you’re a high energy person, it may be draining to you personally. You need to know yourself, what kind of environment you like to be in, and look at simple things like this before jumping into your career.
Some massage therapists may dream of doing an out-call business. Before getting involved in this, check with your state for regulations, as some states restrict this type of service.
Once you have an idea of what you’d like to do for your massage therapy careers, consider dropping off a resume at some of the places that meet your criteria. Don’t be nervous, many places like to hire students right out of school so they can train them directly. Be honest if you’re new to the field, and don’t make up false experience. It’s unprofessional and dishonest.
Now that you’re aware there are so many choices in the massage therapy industry, where will you choose to start?
About the Author: Deborah offers a website called
Massage Mix
which offers resources, information and links for both massage students and therapists, as well as books and tips. She also has an entry for consumers who are looking to practice massage at home with their partners. You can find the website at
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