My First Cappuccino

Submitted by: Erickson Dow
The first time I ever drank cappuccino was in Argentina. I had a twenty-one day vacation there with a few of my associates. Taking trips is what I like and because a chance was presented to me to travel to Argentina, I seized it.. I love the locals there very much, and the whole country as well. There were days we slept in the city and at other times on a ranch in the Pampas province. Friends of ours own it. On that ranch, we rode on horses and had a taste of their drink Yerba Mate tea with the inhabitants, and it was really the most breathtaking experience in my life. The daily lifestyle that the locals there have is not the same as ours in America since they were always up all night. I easily adapted because I am a night owl myself. They were not an early sleeper. They dozed off very late and so was their visitors and that includes me. It was already nearing eleven in the morning as soon as we woke up. The pleasant thing though was there was no need to prepare our brunch since a fine feast was already done for the taking. Thereafter we would ride on the farm, exploring, just sucking everything in. Before 4 in the afternoon, we would take a break, rest a bit on the veranda, read a book, and talked among ourselves. We even chewed on fresh figs from trees that were growing along the edges of the porch and chewed on some of the light meal before leaving for dinner. The restaurants in their town have very late business hours and if you arrived at 9 p.m., you are too early since it is only almost 11 in the evening when patrons start to come in. We feasted on fresh Argentine beef and it was really delicious and on the side, some vegetables that looked like it was just taken from the garden. Of course, the most awaited portion of the dinner was dessert. Dessert comprised of fresh fruit, typically a pear, or a sweet treat with cappuccino. We remained there so late even after dessert was over. When we left the restaurant, the sun was already about to rise up. Relaxing with grace, that is how the Argentineans chill. That Italian based coffee that is made with a fusion of espresso, hot milk and foam is identified as cappuccino and it was amongst the tiny restaurants in Argentina that I experienced my first cup of it. Every cup of cappuccino that came next has been gratifying.
If we dig deeper on how cappuccino became the name of the beverage, in fact it’s source is more of a sacred kind, which is the Capuchin order of friars. The order’s existence goes back five hundred years in the past. Cappuccino refers to the chocolate colored, lengthy pointed cowls and stands for hood in Italian. Even though there is so much debate surrounding the basis of cappuccino, it is commonly deemed to have been made by Marco ‘d Aviano, a Capuchin monk, somewhere in time during the 17th century. Although this hypothesis was thought as a legend as well, it was presumed that it was during 1683, after the struggle of Vienna that all this occurred. Not a single person certainly is aware of the accurate origin of the drink most people enjoy each day.
It was in the year 1901 when the original espresso device operated by using steam was created by Luigi Bezzera, a man of Italian origin. It was only Desiderio Pavoni though, who was an Italian also, who brought to fame the cappuccino that we appreciate at present when he purchased Bezzera’s patent on the espresso mechanism in 1945, conducted experiments and adjusted its technicalities. Espresso is a word of Italian origin that denotes fast and that was what Bezzera wanted, to make more hasty coffee and that was the device’s idea. It too shortened the coffee breaks taken by his employees. The device did produce coffee with more haste yet the downside was the bitter taste of the espresso. Pavoni fixed the downside, getting rid of the bitterness producing the perfect cup of espresso. The initial La Pavoni Espresso Machine was installed at Regio’s in New York during 1927. During the years the machine has undertook upgrades and have changed to what we know at present times.
If you desire to get a fine cup of cappuccino, there is no need to journey to Argentina or Italy. You can make it in your own home using one of the cappuccino machines on the market – yes, indeed, making cappuccino has come a long way since that first cup in 1901.
We like to have family and friends over for dinner and afterwards we constantly serve a fine hot cup of cappuccino. It is a memory that I carried with me from Argentina – the enjoyment of friends, an excellent meal and hanging around over a pastry or fruit slice and cappuccino. Our visitors are even enjoying making their own cup of cappuccino anyway and they actually adore the scent of the room afterwards. And for me – it frequently reminds me of my Argentina travel and my first taste of cappuccino.
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