Outpatient Treatment For Drug Addiction

Submitted by: Shrafty Tomlinson
Today s methods for addiction treatment are more effective than ever, and even the most severely drug-dependent people can take back control of their lives. Although medical professionals once saw addiction as a matter of willpower, they now understand that it is a neurological disease which requires clinical treatment. This understanding has allowed for amazing advances in neuroscience and psychology advances which have led to the development of highly effective treatment programs for addicts.
The three most common types of treatment plans are inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization, and outpatient rehab. Inpatient treatment is typically the best choice for addicts who suffer from severe physical dependencies. After undergoing a detoxification, inpatients live at their treatment facilities for thirty to ninety days and receive fifty or more hours of therapy per week. This high level of patient involvement is crucial for making the lasting lifestyle changes necessary for long-term sobriety.
Many addicts use partial hospitalization as an intermediate rehab program between their inpatient stay and normal, independent life. They still receive hours of intensive therapies per day, but they are free to return to their homes in the evenings under the supervision of clinic staff. They practice clean living habits and reflect upon their daily treatments in preparation for the responsibilities and freedoms of their new, drug-free lives.
However, some addicts cannot afford to devote such large amounts of time to their recoveries. They often have careers, families, and other personal responsibilities to tend to. Other addicts suffer only short relapses and do not require the level of involvement of an inpatient or partial hospitalization program. In either case, outpatient addiction treatment is a great option.
Outpatient treatment involves just a few hours of therapy per day, and patients are free to use the rest of their time as they see fit. This level of freedom may not work well for those who still struggle with constant compulsions to use drugs, but it is perfect for people who simply need to get back on track after a slip a one-time return to drug use.
Despite its lower level of involvement, outpatients still receive the same intensive therapies as other patients. The most important treatments are called evidence-based therapies because they have been rigorously tested in controlled environments. These therapies are often mandated by government and private agencies, and they have been statistically proven to help addicts make lasting recoveries.
Evidence-based therapies primarily include individual counseling, group discussions, and family therapy. Individual counseling is the most important of these treatments. Patients work with addiction specialists to identify the reasons they began to use drugs and the triggers which continue to cause cravings. They use these personal discoveries to develop effective coping strategies for dealing with the cravings they will inevitably face once they return to society.
Other treatments which outpatients can expect to receive include cognitive-behavioral therapy and reality therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches addicts to control their negative emotions through rational thought. Reality therapy teaches patients to recognize the difference between situations they can and cannot control. Together, these therapies help addicts make good decisions about when and where to employ the coping strategies they learn during individual counseling.
If you re struggling with addiction, click the links below to find a treatment center near you. Drugs and alcohol can create crippling dependencies, but you can get your life back on track with an effective rehab program. Act now to ensure a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones.
About the Author: Mr. Tomlinson is a former musician turned writer and editor. Having penned hundreds of articles and with 3 books in print in 80 countries, Mr. Tomlinson is available for occassional freelance projects with budgets higher than $25,000.Click here to ask a question, check your insurance or request a text or call back regardless of where you live or what time it is:
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