You Cant Control Everything, So Take Control Of What You Can

By Robert Johnston

My intention here isnt to upset anyone, but it is true that a lot of things can potentially go wrong with a presentation. Id imagine youve had a number of awful little scenarios playing through your head before going into a big presentation.

You think about all those little things that might end up going wrong, or maybe you do the best job you possibly can and the audience just doesnt seem to react. They act as if they dont care at all.

These are true fears, and because you cant really control them, they arent things that you can plan for. What you can do is figure out everything that is under your control and make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.

By doing something like this you can take a greater control over the situation, which helps you ensure that fewer things that our outside of your control will go wrong. If you set up an environment where you have a great deal of control, and youve set everything up properly, you can gain the needed confidence to be sure that the rest of the presentation is going to go off on the right foot.


What goes into this preparation?

Any good presentation is likely to have material that goes along with it. If you dont I would suggest you print out a packet of information for everyone in the audience. This should cover all of the major points youre going to make and give a few additional details on them as well.

This allows people to look through what theyre about to hear before the presentation starts. This helps them to build up interest before anything has happened, helping you to start things off on the right food.

Along with this information you should also get some pocket folder printing done so you have a good holder for all of the information. Remember that this is going to be taken home with all of the people. All of your pocket folder printing should be done with this in mind.

Make sure your company name and logo is on the front of every folder you print out. Carefully organize your information in each folder so they arent overflowing, and you might even throw in a few blank pages near the end so people can take notes if they want. I would suggest you also add in a pen in each folder to help them out even more.

Now youre taking control of things by making sure that everything will be as easy for your audience as possible. Youll also be able to potentially impress them with the foresight you had and the large amount of work you put into giving the best presentation possible. These are the kinds of things people notice, and can alter their perception of your presentation as a whole.

About the Author: The author is affiliated with a company that offers


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